Health-Care News

How remote patient monitoring can save cancer patients’ lives

A wearable sensors expert discusses the benefits of RPM in cancer care.
 Neutropenic fever is a common complication for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. In fact, one out of every 29 chemotherapy-treated patients is hospitalized, with a startling mortality rate of 7-9.5%. Fevers can come on suddenly and sometimes go unnoticed until it’s too late.
Remote patient monitoring devices like wearable temperature sensors offer the potential to reduce hospitalizations and deaths in vulnerable populations like chemo patients. The sensors can detect an abnormal temperature reading and flag it for the patient and oncologist to actively monitor, or in serious cases, go to the hospital for observation.

Covenant Health advances hospital-at-home program

Dr. John Busigin, Covenant Health’s Advanced Care at Home medical director, said that 20-30% of patients who traditionally received high acuity care at hospitals could receive virtual care through the program.
A suite of electronics is enabling patients from Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center facility and now Parkwest Medical Center with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, cellulitis and more to recuperate at home, according to a local WATE ABC6 report.
Covenant Health’s Advanced Care at Home program provides in-home hospital services, virtual care and remote monitoring to manage hospital-at-home patients’ medication, lab services, imaging, IV treatments, oxygen and rehabilitation therapies that would typically require three to 10 days in a hospital, according to the health system’s website.
Qualifying conditions could also include heart failure, asthma, pneumonia, soft tissue infections, gastroenteritis or dehydration.
“Patients at home – they recover better, their satisfaction is better,” said Dr. John Busigin, medical director for the program …….


Hypertension (high blood pressure) is when the pressure in your blood vessels is too high (140/90 mmHg or higher). It is common but can be serious if not treated.
People with high blood pressure may not feel symptoms. The only way to know is to get your blood pressure checked.

 People with very high blood pressure (usually 180/120 or higher) can experience symptoms including:severe headaches, chest pain, dizziness, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision or other vision changes, anxiety, confusion, buzzing in the ears, nosebleeds, abnormal heart rhythm….

Scientists will study the DNA of 100,000 Mexicans in search of the Mexican genome

The oriGen Project of the Tecnológico de Monterrey is an initiative that seeks to know the Mexican genome and to know components within the DNA associated with the most common diseases among the population of Mexico and to develop strategies. TecSalud, from Tec de Monterrey, in collaboration with the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN), will analyze DNA samples from 100,000 Mexicans over the next few years, with the aim of finding answers to the diseases that most affect Mexicans.…

AI-driven eye scans detect signs of Parkinson’s disease early on

While high-resolution retinal images are a staple in eye care, the OCT scans, capable of revealing intricate details of the retina in seconds, has expanded their utility.
These scans expose layers of cells beneath the skin’s surface. They offer a noninvasive avenue to scrutinize the body’s inner workings.
The capabilities go beyond observation, as AI-driven machine learning digs deep into the data to uncover concealed clues that fall outside human perception.
If such signs can be detected, people would have time to change their lifestyle, and could delay the onset of Parkinson’s disease through stress avoidance, more exercise and a healthier diet.….

Smart glasses for the visually impaired.

This innovative solution combines Panasonic’s 5.2K HDR virtual reality glasses with Biel Glasses’ low vision technology. Thanks to this innovation, mobility problems caused by low vision are resolved, which are aggravated when there is loss of peripheral vision (known as tunnel vision and the effect of diseases such as glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa, among other causes). These innovative glasses allow users to perceive obstacles and other dangers, so they can move safely and independently……

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